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NYS DMV Violations Points Chart

Drivers Responsibility Assessment
if a driver receives 6 or more points on their NYS driving record in 18 months, you must pay a Drivers Responsibility Assessment Fee.
Driver Improvement Clinic:
If a motorist accumulates between 4 and 6 points on their license within a 24‑month period, they will receive a warning letter from the DMV about their points explaining what will occur if they receive more points.
If a motorist accumulates between 7 and 10 points on their driver’s license within a 24‑month period, they will be required to attend a Driver Improvement Clinic. (Can result in a suspension if you fail to attend the clinic.)
Formal Hearing for Persistent Violations:
A driver will have to attend a formal Hearing if they reach certain point limits within a 24‑month period.
11 or more points in a 24‑month period (except where all points come from a single alcohol or drug‑related incident, in which case it doesn’t count toward the Hearing requirement)
9 or more points in a 24‑month period specifically from speeding violations
4 or more additional points in a 12‑month period after a driver has already attended a formal hearing
Points and Insurance Reduction Program
Taking a DMV-approved Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) course will:
help prevent you from losing your license in the event you accrued 11 or more points on your driving record
4 points are “subtracted” for the purposes of calculating a suspension if you have 11 or more points
the ticket/points do not physically come off your driving record
Save 10 percent on your automobile liability and collision insurance premiums
This online class was created in partnership with the World Famous Improv Comedy Club to make it Fun, Fast, and Effective.
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