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It's All About the Points
A traffic ticket conviction for a moving violation is reported to the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles [DMV] where it then goes on your driving record. These violations stay on your record and any aggregate of points in an 18-month period and each ticket has its own point value. These points can vary from three [2] points to eleven [11] points depending on the type of ticket. If the points on your license total eleven [11] or more points, the DMV may SUSPEND your license.
If you have more than six [6] points in an eighteen [18] month period the DMV will impose a special surcharge fee of a total of one hundred and fifty dollars [$150.00] per year.
If you receive and are convicted of three [3] different speeding violations within an eighteen [18] month period your license may be suspended for a period of six [6] months.
DMV records are checked regularly by automobile insurance companies each time your auto insurance comes up for renewal, and having a moving violation on your record may cost you an increase in your insurance rates. These rates can vary depending on how many points you have accumulated. The insurance company may also refuse to renew or decline a new policy if too many points have accumulated, leaving the driver in a position where they will need to gain insurance through NYS “assigned risk” pool, where rates are VERY high.
Why is Hiring an Attorney a “good investment”?
For many, driving privileges are essential to get to and from work. As we often tell clients, you were not planning on getting the first ticket, you certainly will not be planning on getting the second or third. Far too often people come to us for a second ticket within eighteen [18] months, after they did not fight their first ticket, making advocating on their behalf more challenging with a potential suspension looming over their heads. Making sure your traffic ticket(s) is handled properly, is a “good investment”.
Once hired, in most jurisdictions we will be able to negotiate a reduced plea, possibly eliminating the charges carrying points, or will be prepared to use the zealous advocacy skills we use in misdemeanor and felony cases, on your traffic ticket. In the off chance the ticket is flawed, having an experienced attorney, like the ones at the Law Offices of Alan J. Schwartz, P.C., will be able to catch the flaws and fight for the charges to be dismissed. Hiring an attorney can also be beneficial if you don’t live in the area of the court that the ticket specifies, as an attorney will very likely be able to make this appearance for you, without need for you to ever step foot in court or wait hours for your case to be called.
The Department of Motor Vehicles Defensive Driving Course provides you with both a reduction in insurance premiums, as well as point reduction. This online class was created in partnership with the World Famous Improv Comedy Club to make it Fun, Fast, and Effective.
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